Open Bible in Every Home

We are working with the Church to identify all the homes in need of a Bible, to provide either a printed copy or an audio copy of the Bible to 1 million homes in 5 years.

Target audience

Egyptian Christian families:  parents, children, grandparents of all ages, from all denominations and confessions and people from all stratum of society.

Type of Resource and Content

Subsidized Bibles or Audio Bibles (75% discount)

Free Bible Competition/Study Booklets

Certificates for those who complete the competition from their Patriarch/Head of Protestant Denomination, and from the Bible Society

Project Summary and Feedback

We are working with the Church to identify all the homes in need of a Bible, to provide either a printed copy or an audio copy of the Bible to 1 million homes in 5 years. To ensure and increase interaction with the Bible, we provide Study Guide booklets that will guide and encourage systematic study. The churches follow-up and promote the competition to use the study guides, then grade and determine the winners. The Bible Society works with the churches to provide a celebration and give out certificates of completion and prizes for the top winners.

One woman said: “I was addicted to the television. But once the Bible was in my hands, I stopped watching TV, and haven’t turned it on since I started studying the Bible. Instead of watching so many sad things, I choose instead to read the Bible, and find joy in Jesus. “

Sara says, “I love reading the Bible at night. The competition programs are what encourage me to open my Bible. Often, I would read and not understand anything. But when I answer the questions in the quiz booklet, it would help me focus and understand, like, who was talking, whom they are addressing, identifying the subjects.  It really encouraged me to have my children reading the Bible with me. I told them that if we win a prize, it’s because we were working together as a family. They would bring their Bible booklets and we would all sit together, reading the Bible and working on our workbooks together. I really love this family time together.  Then my husband joined us as well, as he also likes to sit with the family. It really encouraged me when he joined us in the study. Sometimes he would work on one chapter and I would take the next.  We studied side by side.  When we were all done, we would compare the answers.”
