Free Bible Distribution to children in the 4th grade and 7th grade

Free Complete Bible for 7th graders, with link to free Bible App (Kalamak Noury), and a Free Colloquial Illustrated Children’s Bible for 4th grade

Target audience

Christian Egyptian students in the 4th grade and 7th grade throughout the country.  

Serving all denominations and confessions and all stratum of society. 

Project Summary and Feedback

Each year we provide 7th grade Christian students (age 12-13) with their very own personal hard-cover Bible which will last them for many years to come. A free App (Kalamak Noury) with competitions and prizes has been designed specially to encourage them to use their Bibles.  

This annual free distribution serves from 40-60,000 students, according to available grants. We pray that this project will help these children develop a love and attachment to the Scriptures in a personal way.

We are so grateful for the many exciting opportunities to serve a Church hungry for the Bible.  Each year, 80-100,000 primary school students in grade 4 (age 9) receive a free Children's Bible in the colloquial Egyptian dialect. The Bible, made understandable in Simplified Colloquial Arabic, does much to stimulate and increase Scripture engagement and the building up in faith for the children and their whole family as they enjoy and interact with this beautiful resource.

Our nation-wide distribution network of bookshops provides the church relations and connections needed to distribute these valuable resources to marginalized Christian children in remote areas and small villages where there is no church. One impact of these projects is that of increased connection of these children and their families with the Church, as the distributions and events all happen at the local church. 

As our representatives carry out the work of connecting and organizing and making these products available, the churches and the beneficiaries are also made aware of other programs and products made available to them from the BSOE.

At one of the distributions to the 7th graders, Myrna said: “When I was in the 4th grade, I received a Bible. It really delighted me, and I really loved it. And I would read from it regularly. I still have that Bible that I got in 4th grade, and I still read it.”  Another girl mentioned that this would be the first Bible for their family to have in their home.

Our goal is to build confidence in the Bible, providing Scriptures to be excited about, and to share with friends. It is the continued and faithful efforts of committed Christians in society that will most effectively spread the Gospel message, and the role of the Bible Society is to encourage and support each one. 

One time, an unchurched lady came into our bookshop with her children. She asked for a Bible and while she browsed to choose which format she wanted, her older daughter, about 12 or 13 years old, asked for the Gospel of Mark.  

The salesman found it strange for her to ask for this book specifically, and asked her.  She said that she had heard the story about the bleeding woman from a Christian girlfriend in school, and wanted to know more. This fellow student of hers had received the Gospel of Mark in our free School Distribution project.
